Hello everyone! This page has everything you need to read. It may help to arouse your boredom. I made this blog to let other knows about what i feel, my experiences with relationship to my love ones and friends and my point of view of the things happening around me. Please take your time to read and leave comments to my blog. And if you want to exchange link, that would be great!!! Enjoy and thank you!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Vote for my love story!!!

Tonight, I was informed by a dearly friend and a big sister for me that my love story was one of the nominees in her blog. It surprised me but happy in other hand because she gave time to let other people know how my fiance and I love story goes. I just wrote the summary of our love story. And it is more interesting than ever before. Happier than before, because now I am with him, closer with him all the time.

So, please check this PinayLoveStories and vote for me or whoever love story you like. We may have different fil-am love stories, but we ended to the same man that each of us deserves to be with. Man that we really dreamt to spend the rest of our lives. Man whom we want to share happy and sad moments in every minute of our lives


bobbyboy said...

Yep, you have my vote Marfzie :)

All the best to you!

Anonymous said...

Hahahhaha boboy got you i thought its supprosed to be secret hahhahaa now i know now hehehe me i'll just keep to myself hahhaaa see you here marf.Thanks for posting i follow my link hhahaa just check it today and i got one alert from you.

Happy friday for tomorrow..

bobbyboy said...

hahahaha so much for secrets ;)

Marfzie said...

hahaha..ooppsss.. secrets that have been discovered! thanks bobby!

what can you say about my blog?